Content Is For Informational Purpose, Not Advice. The content, information, materials, etc. provided on this website, such as documents, text, graphics, images, videos, or other materials, (all referred to as the “Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content was created so that you could learn more about the legal services that we offer and other information related to the law – and is for educational and informational purposes only.
The Content of this website is not and should not be construed as legal advice. The website is not an offer to perform services on any matter. This website contains general information from a variety of sources and might not reflect current legal developments, verdicts, or settlements. We do not undertake to update the Content in our website to reflect subsequent legal or other developments. Links to other sites and the use of trade names are also provided for identification and/or information only and does not constitute an endorsement of those websites by Jimenez Law, PLLC.
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The Content on this website does not create, and is not intended to create, an attorney-client relationship, and are not be construed as legal advice.
Every state has different laws, and you should not rely on the Content (or any information or opinion) except that of an attorney who is licensed, that you have hired (retained as you attorney), and who has been provided all of the relevant facts. Viewing this website or communicating with us by phone, Internet e-mail or through this site, does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship unless you receive a signed engagement letter from us that you have thereafter signed and returned to us in compliance with the terms in that letter.
You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of the Content found this website without first talking to an attorney and disclosing the pertinent facts, the location of the dispute, and other information regarding your situation. Jimenez Law, PLLC. expressly disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based upon the Content of this site. This Content, including means to submit a question or information, does not constitute an offer to represent you.
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Any information sent to Jimenez Law, PLLC via Internet e-mail or through the website is not secure and is done on a non-confidential basis. Jimenez Law, PLLC respects the privacy of you and any person who contacts our firm, and we will make reasonable efforts to keep information private, but because of the nature of Internet communications and the absence of an attorney/client relationship, we cannot promise or guarantee confidentiality.